Shutter Ply C/C+ (CE2+)
Shutterply consists of layers of 100% Pine ply to form an economical building board. This board is intended for construction use and sub floors only and does not have the superior waterproof glue or superior plys of a Marine or Exterior ply board.
Shutterply is often purchased in the hope of using it as a high finish product and is designed for shuttering and low finish economical use. We suggest a BC Pine ply if a better quality finish is required.
- There is NO poplar (a cheaper substitute) in our board.
- Grading is C/C+ and CE2+ (see below)
- Sheet size: 1220mm wide x 2440mm long (Imperial 4′ x 8′)
- Thickness: 18mm or 21mm
Warning on shutterply grades:
Please ensure you are buying the correct GRADE of shutterply as CE4 grade is often imported and sold as construction (CE2+) grade.
A CE2+ plywood panel is a type of plywood panel that is commonly used in construction and furniture making. CE2+ stands for “conformité européene,” which is the European standard for plywood and other wood-based panels.
It indicates that the plywood panel meets the requirements and specifications set by the European Union.
The CE4 plywood panels are suitable for non-load bearing applications in construction such as partition wall sheathing or site hoarding. Considering its non-structural grade, the most used applications are related to shelving, crating and especially packaging.